All work samples on this page, unless otherwise disclosed, were created for and are property of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Web / UX

The web is ever-changing. At Rutgers libraries, I worked on two design cycles, to redesign the website in response to changes in technology and patron needs in 2012, followed by a second significant redesign in 2017 as the libraries moved towards a digitally driven model.

I also designed sub-sites, digital exhibits and search portals, templates for micro-sites, a web style guide, and compiled and curated a library of icons for digital signage.


Rutgers University Libraries



Lo and Hi fidelity wireframing


Final comps

Design decisions - styles, fonts, colors



User research: Stake-holder interviews


Concept and design

Design of search interactions



My design process for the redesign of the libraries website consisted of working with developers and a user experience librarian to create interactive prototypes (solutions) for mobile and desktop views. We then presented these to stake holders for feedback, returning to the drawing board when needed.


UX Research


Methods I use:

  1. Discussion Guides and User Interviews

  2. Affinity Maps

  3. Personas

  4. Problem Statements

  5. User flows and ‘wireflows’

  6. Card Sorting

  7. Paper prototyping